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Italy. Serie A TIM. Juventus FC vs Genoa CFC

Order tickets

Italy. Turin. Allianz Stadium

Date:     Sector:     
Price per ticket: под запрос


Dear Fans, You can buy tickets for the match “Juventus FC vs Genoa CFC” only or book the whole travel package, including tickets.



Tickets’ categories (or where am I going to seat?):



Hospitality package “T100” is unique opportunity to be practically on the soccer field, smelling grass and feeling taste of the game. Your seats are located in the middle of the stand, at 7,5 meters from touchline and near to dug–out. In addition to the perfect-view seats with advanced-comfort soft armchairs, you will get the wild range of meals from the exclusive restaurant, where you can book a table in advance for you and your guests. You will also have an access to buffet zone, bar, parking place next to the entrance, as well as you will be serviced by special staff.


Club Boniperti

Hospitality package “Club Boniperti”, named after honorable President of Juventus Club, has elegant and personified character. If you like style of Juventus Club, you are in the right place to be. As a spectacular you will definitely get a feeling of being a part of the club history. In addition to the soft armchairs and excellent field-view, you will be able to get access to different exclusive services such as bar and buffer zone after the first half and after the whole match. You will also get a parking place at the stadium.


Club Sivori

Omar Sivori Club offers one of the best Hospitality packages, developed specially for those who want to enjoy the game. Soft and comfortable armchairs are emplaced in the best viewpoints of the stadium. Exclusive services in lounge area with drinks and appetizers are available after the half and after the whole match.


Agnelli Club

Agnelli Club is not only the sector with the best view at the stadium, but also a place, where past and future of the club meet. Here all fans experience incommunicable feelings of being a part of the team with centenary traditions, which brand became widely known in the whole world. You also can become a part of this ongoing history. Angelli Club gives their clients an opportunity to enjoy every match surrounding by typical atmosphere and style of Juventus as well as sitting in luxurious comfortable armchairs and getting an access to the most elegant and exclusive restaurant of the club.



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