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Ticket-sport.ru is a private company that buys and sells tickets to all major music and sports events worldwide: from Andrea Bocelli to Madonna, from football to Formula 1. Ticket-sport.ru is based in Moscow, Russia, the perfect high-tech location to offer you swift, first-rate service and prime seats to any event around the world. Basically, if there are tickets for sale, then we've got them!

Our experienced ticket hunters and trusted agents find the tickets that suit you best, while our efficient customer service gets them to you when you need them, where you need them. With Ticket-sport.ru you can leave your sleeping bags at home, because you are always the first in line.

You can place your online ticket orders anytime, 24/7, through our secure website. If you need expert advice or help completing your order, you are welcome to contact us during business hours. And should your favorite event be missing from our extensive list, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will do just about anything to get you your tickets anyway.

Most of the tickets we offer are rare and hard to get, even for us. Our ticket prices obey the laws of supply and demand and include our time and effort to get them. As a result, prices are usually higher than the price listed on the ticket itself.

Ticket-sport.ru attaches great importance to its reliability. Therefore, we remain  completely independent from professionals in the events business. So no links with production agencies, concert organizers, artists, box offices, and venues here. After all, we work for you, not for them. At Ticket-sport.ru we realize that your satisfaction is our future.

Our satisfied customers include several major corporations and many individuals who enjoyed the event of their choice thanks to Ticket-sport.ru!


Билеты на сборную России по футболу

Germany, Munchen, Allianz Arena

Hungary. Budapest, Ferenc Puskas Stadium

Allianz Arena
