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All matches of the UEFA Nations League


The UEFA Nations League is new international football tournament among European national teams, organizing by the UEFA. It is going to hold once in two years and will largely replace international friendly matches.

Fans will get the opportunity to watch their favorite teams in serious competitive contest during the new tournament, which gives additional chance for the teams to be qualified for bigger championships.

55 UEFA national teams will take part in the competition, where they will be divided into four divisions called “Leagues”. In each division, four groups are formed (four teams in each group). The best national teams will move to higher division, at the same time the worst team will leave the tournament. 4 Winners of the strongest division (League A) will take part in playoff and will contest for the UEFA Nations League Cup.

You can order tickets for matches of the UEFA Nations League right now on our web site. You also can call us or send us an e-mail to info@ticket-sport.ru


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